What to do

JESSIEC - Nov 10 2011 at 21:25
Ok so before I start I just wonna say please don't judge me I know what I am doing is wrong I just need advice. So I married have been for 2 years now. The last year or so my husband has been working crazy hours so we NEVER see eachother. There was 1 week I saw him maybe 3 hours in 7 days. Well I ended up reuniting with a boyfriend of mine from when I was 18. We have hung out a couple times and I find myself falling for him. The last time we hung out we ended up having sex and he told me he wants things to be the way they were years ago. Now I don't know what to do. Please help :(
to be honest i have no respect what so ever for cheaters. in case you forgot you have a husband and yeah, times may be tough right now but he loves you and you return the favor by sleeping with someone else. i recommend you to keep your legs closed.
That's little bit harsh answer i don't agree what you did as to deal with problem in marriage this way its not right way to do I think you should have good talk with your husband about how it make you feel when your husband works crazy hours and if he can change it hours so he can have more time for you Its up to you if you want to tell him that you cheat on him with someone because of that
I also think you need to give yourself question if you love your husband or your ex??? Is it good idea to get back with your ex??? What was the reason you split up??? Do you really trust your ex??? Take time to think what you really want think about the question and answer and hopefully than you will be able to make decision what you want to do
no its not a little bit harsh. cheating is probably the worst thing you could do to someone. I've been with my boyfriend for a year and a half now and even the thought of him cheating on me makes me sick. if you dont want that person anymore then maybe you should leave them. In my previous relationship I was cheated on and I've never felt more emotional pain than that. so yeah, I have no respect for cheaters nor do I feel bad for them, its wrong and your suppose to be faithful to the ONE person your with. not be sleeping around with anyone else, if your not mature enough to handle that then maybe you shouldn't be in a relationship. thats that, its not hard to understand.
typical airhead...cannot see the big picture which is to have a decent futre you need money and people usually have to work to achieve that aim. You probably havent got any initiative or hobbies so the first thing you do is cheat on your hardworking husband when you get a lil bit bored. Hope you get genital warts, shame on you.
I was cheated as well and I am not agree what this person done its right way to do but we don't know whole picture we only know a bit what the person written I think this person already feel bad what she done and doesnt really help her being nasty to her I would never even my ex who cheat on me wish them to get some nasty disease
Sometime people do think which they not proud of and when they ask for help they don't need harsh comments to make them feel worth
Jessie, You will be judged harshly by many because it is not the "norm" for our society. However, problems and situations happen in life. It has happened in my life as well. Two years is not very long to be married, and the lack of time you and your husband spent together has caused a very hard strain. Number 1: spend some time remembering why you fell in love with him and what has made you feel good about your relationship. 2: talk to your husband and find a way to reconnect....can you take a part time job to help with the income, can you schedule some private "date" time on the weekends? 3: you are probably feeling infatuated/carefree with your old boyfriend...the sex and attention can be very satisfying since that is what is missing now in your life. Cut it off with him while you work on repairing your current relationship.....it is only fair to your husband. This will only be the beginning...it will be a long road, whichever path your choose, but it isn't fair to your husband to keep thinks as they are. Good luck to you, Tara
i understand things happen in life, but come on. you can have self control, its not like its not her fault she cheated. sure she may feel bad but i dont feel bad for her one bit. you make the decision to screw someone over and hurt them in one of the worst ways possible then you deserve anything bad that happens to you. if you want to be with your ex maybe you shouldve thought about that BEFORE you were married? people arent gonna feel bad for you, what you did is wrong and he atleast deserves to know the mistake you made, dont make another dumbass mistake by not being honest about it.
I am very sorry to say but I totally agree with I love Mary, I've been cheated on by my wife and it hurts and very hard to get something like a marriage back on track after that, stay true to your husband I joy the time you do spend with him, even if it is only a few hrs a week, because when ya do see each other it's better and more romantic, when ya do see him cherish the moments don't run out and sleep around marriage is a bond between 2 people not 3,4,5 ya no what I mean