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My husband of 30 years may have another child!!

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Been married 30 years. 12 years ago my husband had a long distance affair with a woman in the same industry. I found out and confronted him. We have four children and at the time they were still fairly young. We stayed together. It has recently come to my attention that he may have had a child with this women. To make matters worse the child is only 8 which means he carried on the relationship after being confronted. They are no longer romantically involved for sure. I confronted him about being the father and he denied it. I contacted her and she also denied he was the father. Yet she has a FB post that is open to public which every once in awhile she comments about her daughter’s father and every fact she says about the dad exactly correlates to my husband our children his life where we live etc. I don’t know why she would lie for him and yet on FB continue to give out tidbits which totally relate to him ( ie on his birthday she posted its

My husband of 30 years may have another child!!

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I think she looks like one of my girls tbh. Also I don’t think it’s a money thing because on her FB postings she talks about how she is a single mom paying for everything and that fortunately she has a good job. And I pay the bills and monitor banking statements so if he’s given her money it can’t be much!!

My husband of 30 years may have another child!!

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susiedqq! Thanks for your response. I can’t really discuss this with anyone which is so hard so I do appreciate input.

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