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Husbands porn use

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Discovering porn everyday in my husbands history sometimes several times a day for about 4 and a half years! He’s lied about everything, it’s 90% teenage porn which really disturbs me. I kept a secret record of our sex and his porn. Every time I left the house even for 10 minutes, straight in it, like he’s hanging to jump on there. Even goes into the toilet and mastutbates to it while I’m home because I caught him. 2 weeks ago I wanted sex, it was morning he was awake he turned me down and left the bedroom for his coffee etc., never came back to me. I viewed his history and he f**king went and flogged off to porn, teenage porn! I shut my mouth and become hostile I couldn’t help it. 3 days later I couldn’t hold it in and told him what I know, how much he watches it, what he watches, and that he turned me down for that! He denied it!! I said you can’t lie I have the proof right here, no remorse for my feelings of inadequacy, hurt, just defence and anger. Told him he has an addiction he claims bullshit. I see otherwise and I’m not competing with that shit. I’m pretty fucking shattered and just want to walk,

Husbands porn use

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May I suggest marriage counseling to start with. Perhaps your husband hearing it from a second party will give him a better understanding of what the consequences might be for what he's doing. Others might say it's just p*** and there's no harm in it, but obviously it's hurting you and that's understandable. Maybe you and your husband could talk about ways to spice up your sex life.

Husbands porn use

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Something else you could look into :-D

Husbands porn use

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Thanks all, I was pretty convinced he’s got a problem before posting here. Just want others opinions on the matter.

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