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Complicated relationship advice needed

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Hello, all. I have a complicated issue I am looking for advice on. I'll try to make it as short as possible - but it's a bit of a soap opera. I have been involved on and off with a woman for over 6 years. I met her as I was starting to go through my divorce process from my prior wife. The intention initially was meant to just be for fun (she is 7 years younger than me and at the time was a waitress at a strip club), but I really did care for her. Regardless, there was an early indiscretion by her (that she still to this day denies fully), and the reality was I was still married, even though the divorce was in process. So we called things off. We reconnected the following year after we both dated (one person for me, and as I found out later, several people for her). I admittedly wasn't ready for a relationship, but she pushed for us to be together. She took me on a few vacations, we did a ton together - honestly every night was a party, total break from my

Complicated relationship advice needed

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We have dated on and off for almond 2yrs. He confessed me that there has never been excitement in our sex. What can I do???

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