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Should I leave or stay

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we have been dating for 5 months he told me he want us to have a child, but i suspected that his cheating so ive been scooping his phone & i found messages that his been sending o ther girls. i asked him he denied, so now i dnt know what to do

Should I leave or stay

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dear i have the same problem.. but because i loved him.. im trying to understand and be better than his girls... if he cahnged then dump himm... have new boyfriend better than him.. which i cannot to to myself.. -- stupid girl---

Should I leave or stay

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Dated for 5 months and he wants a child? If you hadn't checked his phone, would you have given him a child? He is probably asking the same to the rest of these girls.

Should I leave or stay

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Why the heck are you even thinking about having children? Isn't your relationship in enough trouble without making things worse? My advice is simple: forget children, why pass on your suffering to your children? They dont deserve that. Nest, you have one of two choices - either trust he is telling the truth and love him; or dump him if you think he is lying. Without trust you can NOT have love - its that simple.

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