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Mom of two, I need help leaving him

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So Im a stay at home mom, he works 40 hour weeks and its just not working out. Its not working out because he is starting to go back to how he used to be before we had babies. He was pysically abusive towards me but it was my first relationship so I stayed ( like a stupid bitch). Anyways now every day he comes home he cals me names, ugly, fat bitch, makes fun of how my arms have some fat, says im a shitting mom <--- that really broke my heart. Im not sure if i can leave. I know I need to because he yells at me around our 1 1/2 year old and our new baby. My 1 1/2 year old gets scared and runs to me. I grew up around my moms abusive realtionship with my boyfriend so I should know better right? I just cant seem to leave him. Everytime I get the courage and say I can I think about him being with another woman and it makes me want to stay. I just dont know what to do, theres a whole lot more to this story, he has broken my hand and i told everyone i slammed it in a car door but it was from blocking his hits when he was hitting me in my head over and over again.<--- when we first got together. Also im scared he can take my kids because if i leave it will take me a second to get a job and i will be living with my mom. I dont know how to prove to the judge that he shouldnt be with them alone because he dosent know how to control his anger. I just need advice please. Sorry this is so long, I dont talk to anyone about it.

Mom of two, I need help leaving him

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You already know what you need to do, you have said it yourself, get out! You deserve better, as do your children. Plan the move but don't say anything to him, speak to your Mother and tell her, she can get ready for you to move back there, then go while he is at work There are helplines and charities out there who can help (e.g. Women's Aid) speak with them, they will be able to guide you through the concerns you have regarding access to your children. I wish you the strength to get through this and get the life you deserve.

Mom of two, I need help leaving him

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You know what to do - you are just too scared to do it - just leave. I want to give you all of my courage to just let go of this abusive relationship. Things will be hard at first but you can do it, you can be on your own and you can take care of your children. Research for organisations which can support you, call if the Women's Aid helpline, organize your escape clever and just go away. Good luck dear, you deserve better!

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