I wonder if anything I do is bad

SHYNESSISME - Aug 16 2018 at 05:18
So here it is.. Me who thought keeping this to myself..
So basically.. Ive always thought I was doing things bad.I see people around me, Having friends, playing with them.. Etc etc
Well here who I am: I barely have one friend, Which I spend school days with.In classes, except if im with my friend, I will never do team work, Ill work on my own. At Home, Im not the type who will invite anyone , barelytext my friend.. Sometimes.. Im the type who prefer playing video games with other people around the globe and play with an online friend , Im more into texting peopld ive never met in reality, just known them for a long while online. Im not into sport, I dont do sport.
I wonder if its okay to be like that..
That all sounds normal to me. I'm pretty introverted, and prefer to keep a very small but very trustworthy circle of friends. I protect my time alone pretty fiercely, and everyone in my life understands and supports that.
If you're happy, you're doing better than most people. Never let someone else tell you what you do or don't need to be happy. It's your life.
Bunnyhabit you're implying his life isn't meaningful the way it is. He didn't say he's unhappy. In fact, it sounds like he's doing exactly as He pleases. He only asked if his preference for solitude is okay. And it totally is. Society makes us believe we should want to be part of the crowd, when that's just not true for everybody.
I went through this myself- wondering if there's something wrong with me because I prefer solitude. Turns out, there are many different ways to be happy in life, and we should each find our own way. And for some of us, happiness means time away from other people. I applaud him for being true to himself, despite society's expectations.