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Ongoing issue with gifts to family

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My husband and I have been giving Birthday and Christmas gifts to my niece and nephews children for 16 years. I believe we have received maybe 2/3 Thank you ever. I send them in the mail and request tracking so I can at least see if they were received. DH said today, lets just stop the gift giving. I am OK with that. What would

Ongoing issue with gifts to family

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i am having the same issue with my two nephews 7 and 11 years old. I sent them cards with money in this year and got no response. no thank you. nothing. I texted my brother and my nephews, no reply. I feel like a horrible person if i dont send them anything but i see that as really ungrateful! this year i got not even a text from my brother for my birthday even though mother said she reminded him so he had no excuse. I've no idea what i've done to them except move away and live my life. Personally i think i will not send them anything at all, but i feel like i'd be starting a family war if i stop...

Ongoing issue with gifts to family

DATING DIVA profile image
You should have stopped giving them things 15 years ago. This is not the fault of the children, it is the fault of their raggedy rude parents for not teaching them respect and gratefulness. Stop. Just stop. Don't even send a card. Not a text. Nothing. There is nothing worse than having an entitled spoiled brat child in your life, and it sounds like you have two generations of them in your family. SMN As for TrustingRabbit do the same thing> Children must be taught manners, respect, and graciousness - they are not born knowing those social skills! The adults around these children are seriously lagging in their parental duties. You will not be starting a family war. What you need to do is set boundaries and adhere to them to protect yourself from being used and abused. This is codependent behavior and you must stop.

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