Screwed up

MIRACLE - Sep 18 2018 at 17:51
I just wanted to write about my situation and hope to get any advise.
We broke up with my ex nearly 2 monthes ago. The main reason was my needyness and insecurities. A month after break up i sent her a good text message and she replied positively and we ended the conversation by saying talk to you later. However, 2-3 days later i screwed up everything after seeing a picture that made me think that she is with someone else. I panicked and wrote her about it with anger and ofcourse after a stupid conversation she lost her attraction to me. After a week i sent a voice message where generally i talked about starting to talk again. Not getting back again but rather just talking. Beside that i was trying to look or sound positive and happy in voice message. But unfortunately she didn’t give any response to my voice message and it has been 5 days. I really don’t know what to do, what to say and when to say. Can you please help me?
i just wanna understand something if u broke up with her why u trying to talk to her again and even tho shes with someone else shes is not urs anymore right ? and if u still have feeling for her try to meet up with her cause trust me texting wont help u its always just make things worst making contact face to face its way different
Hi Miracle. Well, I don't think it's necessarily too late to get back on good terms with this girl. I just think it could take a lot of time and patience, and not being focused on her but moreso yourself.
Even then, you dated and things ended once. Not saying that's a no-go too, but typically it is hard to restore a relationship that didn't work out before, unless you had lots of history or something.
I think the advice I want to give you is some I need to take, too: Stop hoping for a yes after receiving a no.
If you dwell on someone, it doesn't make things any more likely. People make their decisions and move on, and it's rare for those answers to change.
Don't look forward to a dreamy outcome. Expect things to continue along how they have been. And chances are, you just haven't met the right person yet.
From a girl’s point of view, if you truly wanted to try and see her, talk to her, and show her you care, you would do more than just send her a message. You would make it a point to see her in person. I’m not saying that would be the only thing, but it would be a start. Right now she probably feels like there is no trust. Without trust, it’s hard to have a relationship. Just prove to her that you want to gain that trust back and time will go from there. Hope this helps!