HAZELEYES - Sep 21 2018 at 16:39
I feel emotionally detached from my current relationship due to my past relationship of 5 years. It ended badly with harsh words being said on both sides. She was talking to someone else and then left me. What to do if im still hurt by it?
The first thing people are usually going to tell you is that things take time - to just focus on yourself and being alone for a while. Eventually, in time, you'll meet someone who is a better match for you, but the key is living your life.
I know it's not quite that simple. The funny thing is, some people will be easier to get over than others. A relationship that lasted for a while like yours' is always rough to get over initially. But I've found that when you're in a relationship that's run its full course, it's actually easier to move on from with the passage of time.
When things end abruptly or never get the chance to materialize I think that can be more challenging. You're kind of left with this unfinished business or unanswered questions, and you'll keep wondering why things didn't work.
I think if you're detached from your current relationship you should re-evaluate things. Do you like your current partner? Are you ready to be with someone else? I don't think there's a set amount of time to be single before dating someone else, but you probably know better than anyone if you're ready.