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Stay or go

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Me and my partner have been together for years. we don't have children together . but I have children from a previous realationship. He is wealthy and comes from a good family. I'm not wealthy but have enough to live. we have separate bank accounts and no plan to change it. he covers rent . and rego. I pay for food and gas and all the kids needs. my dad has become ill and recently separated . he has a child who is 11 in his care. my dad needs to go to hospital where he will stay for 4 weeks . he needs someone to look after the child while he is there. my partner told me he rather the kid went to dcp then to come into our home. he refuses to let the child stay.hes a good quite boy. no issues there. but my partner picks on his looks and interlect.calls my family degenerates. I'm not allowed to interact with my family as they have issues he says . I really need to allow my dad to get help . and I feel I can't let my little brother go dcp care for 4 weeks . just because my partner will not accept my family. he allows his friends from over seas to stay for 3 to 4 months and I'm not allowed to have a say other wise he refers to the house as his and he can do what he wants .I feel like no madder what I do he won't accept that my family are diffrent from his and he sees no problem. I'm not allowed to invite them to easter or Xmas or any of my friends it's like he is embarrassed .what should I do.

Stay or go

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Hi, Could you look after your younger brother at your dads house? Take the other kids with you if you can. your partner might not like this but since he's very judgemental of you brother, it sounds like he shouldnt be around him for a month. A month away from him or seeing less of him might help you decide what to do. You should be able to help your family out when you need to if you can. It should be equal in a relationship if he has friends to stay and sees his friends and family so should you.

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