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Stood up on third date after confirming an hour back

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I recently met this Iraqi guy on tinder (he said he got divorced about 1.5 years back and I've never been married). Our second date was great but I saw he didn't have my number saved and he says my name was tough for him to spell. He asked me when he could see me again and said we would meet "tomorrow". 3 days gone no signs of any texts/calls so I sent him a casual "thanks for the coffee" text to which he said "No problem my queen, how's your day blah blah, what are you doing tonight ". When I said I didn't have anything plannes yet and asked what he was doing he went on radio silence for 2 days followed by an early morning good morning sweetheart text. I texted him during the weekend and to my utter shock he said "who's this " to which I answered " the female you made out with last week", he immediately responded saying it was a text sent by mistake and asking "how are you sweetheart ". I dnever responded and eleted him from my contacts and tried getting over him when suddenly a week later he sends a hello text followed by what are you doing etc. I said I was busy and didn't know what my plans were later but if he had shisha I could meet around 9. He said he would text me later. I thought it was off so I carried on with my plans when at 9 he asked me whether I was ready. I said I needed 15 minutes. I texted after 15 saying I was ready and he could let me know when he was near my place. No response for 30 minutes then I said texted him asking he should let me know even if he wasn't coming. Radio silence for 2 day a d of course I'm in agony. Since he didn't confirm we were meeting at 9 I didn't get ready so was it my fault for delaying and that's why he stood me up? Of course from his behaviour it's very certain I'm just a stand by option but I just want to know specifically for this incident whether I'm in the wrong or what I should do now. Thanks!

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