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Playing with feelings

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Hello well i have a problem i was dating my gf for one year and half we were together since april 2017 well last month we had a fight and we broke up and my bestfriend at that time started to hang out more with her then ussual so i asked my friends about and i find out that they are dating like since we broke up..but later when i became suicidal she said she will come back she said that she wants us to be back together..and last week she said she will came to me for couple days but she went with him again..i heard that he is using her to get drugs and i don

Playing with feelings

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I hope you are ok. If the only reason she said she would go back to you is because you were suicidal then that’s not healthy at all. I know it’s really hard but please don’t say things like that to her. Is there anyone you can talk to? Another friend, parents etc. Maybe try to get some counselling to help you through this incredibly tough time. It can and will get better.

Playing with feelings

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well idk i live alone and i have one friend who is in Europe right now so yeah i am lost

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