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He’s just not that into me.....

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My husband and I have been married for 16 years and have 4 wonderful children.We have had our ups and downs but in general have had a really good relationship. A little more than a month ago, I had a stillborn at 6 months pregnant. It was an incredibly trying time for both of us. I know I wouldn’t have made it through without the support of my husband. He’s been amazing. I’ve always been really independent and it was difficult for me to rely on him so much. It seems that something changed in our relationship during this time. He is completely uninterested in the sexual aspect of our relationship- something that we both have really valued. He is saying it is stress related and it may be but I feel completely unwanted and rejected. Pregnancy weight gain and body changes have been rough. With the other emotional issues I’ve been having with my body, this is devastating for me. We work together and our friendship is still as good as ever but I feel like that’s all we have right now and it’s not meeting my emotional or physical needs. He says he’s happy with how it is but it is really becoming unbearable for me.

He’s just not that into me.....

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I feel for you, so sorry for this trying time. If this has been going on for a year I would be very concerned, Have you asked him why he does not want sex? is he afraid? Have you tried counseling? I would really dig into this and if he still has no desire for a sexual relationship you have to ask yourself if this is what you want for your life. If not move on, start over. But do try counseling

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