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Can not believe that after 3 months the same problem looks like it is happening again,my partner says a woman he does not know has been sending texts asking to meet up with him for a date,he has texted back asking who she is and she said she is a friend of his ex girlfriend,he told me about getting the texts 2 days after the first message and they have been texting each other for 3 days now he has even asked her via voicemail message to meet up with him and he still has not told he he is in a relationship already,he told me he has nothing to hide otherwise he would not have said anything about the texts,but I don"t believe him because the woman has already told him she is going to find out if he"s in a relationship and tell his girlfriend (me) all about the messages.

Same problem

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The problem is your partner. And the fact that you put up with this. He's playing games instead of being a grownup, and you're allowing it. Absolutely no reason for him to converse with these women. He could and should shut anything like that down, immediately. Instead, he strings them along while wanting you to believe you should fight for him. And instead of asking him why he's unwilling to shut them down, you play along. It keeps happening, because he wants it to, and you allow it. The problem isn't the other women. It's the relationship. If you want to fix it, you need to focus on why he likes putting you both in this situation, and why you allow him to. Repeatedly.

Same problem

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:-| (A) Yeah that advice sounds very true,we have had another talk about what I am not happy about and if things do not change then we will be going our separate ways it"S not helping that his friends are all seeing it from his point of view.

Same problem

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His friends and their opinions are part of this personal discission? Triangulating is classic narcissism. Run. All of this smacks of NPD (Narcissistic Personality Disorder). I recommend you look into it.

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