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My husband and I have been together for 16 years, married for 12. He has 1 child, which was 5 when we met, but is now 21. I do not have any biological children. I am having a hard time with our life insurance benefits. He is the sole (100%) beneficiary, if I was to die. He on the other hand, refuses do so for me. He has left 50% for me and 50% to his child. Please let me know how you would feel, if you were in my place.


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He wants what's best for his child, and for you. If he didn't care about what's best for you, he would've given sole beneficiary to his child. In this situation, I think it's wise to respect his decision. If I were in your place, I would understand his decision, and if you want, talk to him about it some more. There's no harm in having a more open communication. Wish you the best of luck!


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If my partner had kids, and DIDN'T make them partial or full beneficiaries, I'd have a problem with that. I'd have serious concerns about their character. If my partner took issue with my kids being partial or full beneficiaries, I'd have even bigger concerns. If you didn't want to have to share with a child, you shouldn't have married a parent.

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