Her love for me has gone!

JASE - Nov 26 2018 at 23:58
Well...I did not think we would end...very naieve of me!
So,my story goes,we met in 98 and the relationship grew.We were really into each other,I was 25,she 22.
I know life has distractions...I got into fast bikes and kind off became passionate about them then music and took things for granted.
2006,we marry,first child,2007,second child 2010.
life was good but,I just didnt handle 2 small kids well and i took to drinking,out at the weekend until 3-4am...some weekends I could go til 8am and this started the disaster...Im sure.
i neglected her and I am so sorry for that.
friction came between us...usually cash problems and that got to me as it was so hard to find the cash initially.
I disrespected her with name calling...she hit the car 2 times in one year,yes,it cost a lot and I hit out calling her names I shouldnt have.
I am fully aware of this now but its too late.
May 18...she thinks im cheating.
I got a call while driving,we were in the car together,I did not know the number and i killed the call rather than answer it.10 seconds later,her phone gets a message from mine saying"Can't chat now,talk later"
Yes...it looks bad.My phone had a heavily cracked screen.I think I had the message wrote out to send to my buddy as he would ring me at work at bad times but I had not sent him the message and it skipped somehow to my wife but I was not having an affair..now I had been accused.
I gave her full access to everything,email,phone the lot.I never had pin locks on my phone,i had no need to,i never shut down the pc...it could lay open for days because I had nothing to hide.
We muddle on....sept 18...she says she no longer loves me,she starts a new job,meets a man...takes a lover and i caught her!
I found texts and got her tailed to her lovers house...i was devestated.
I would do anything to win her back,I told her i would forgive because it was me who give her the reason to fall into anothers arms and I have been left so broken....I would do anything for her to have her back but the time has passed.
we still share the house together,even the same bed along with our 2 young girls and it hurts to lie in bed and not hold her.
This is my full admission of how I badly neglected and mistreated the love of my life when she needed me most and I hope,anyone who reads this can learn from my mistake...do not take your partner for granted because some day...they will go and they will find another.
For me,I guess its too late and I am now a broken hearted man as a result!
Please guys,If you truly love someone...be by their side through good and bad times and help them in all aspects.
I have learned from my mistakes and I will not repeat them again...I just hope I can find love again before my time is up
My husband needs to read your post. But he won’t and would rather bury his head in the sand ignoring my disappointment and frustration
Tired74- then why stay with him? I left a husband like this after 24 very long years. At 50, I blew my life up and started over. The first few weeks sucked, but within 3 months I was happier and healthier than I'd ever been. I hope you decide you deserve better.