My crush, SOS
ALFALFA1067 - Feb 3 2019 at 04:40
Every time I look at him, he cracks a joke or smiles at me. He smiles at EVERYTHING I say. He draws on my assignments(drew me something and said “it’s special for you, and it’s from the bottom of my heart”), teases me, and I guess touches me ( like high fives and poking me with his pencil). He always finds something to talk about in class with me, it’s random. He always asks me how my day has been, and if anything good has happened(and if nothing good has happened, he says “ something special might happen soon then you never know”). Everyone I tell says it’s obvious he’s flirting, but I honestly don’t know. I really like him. My anxiety is through the roof, especially because I’m shy as fuck. I try to flirt back but I don’t know if he’s getting the message. Help!!!!
He’s one of my classmates