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Please help me I'm in a deep shit :(

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In my country less than two weeks from now the results of the first period are coming out.In the education system here we have marks are from 20(the mark/20) well i chose this year or better saying that my parents obliged me to choose mathematics as the most important subject along with physics; The lessons are extremly tough and difficult; Well for me . The worst it's that've got 9/20 in the general mark of maths the same things for physics The biggest problem is that my parents are expecting me to have one of the highest marks in the class this is why i'm never honest with them when it comes to marks alos they're kind of dictators and autoritary . Please help

Please help me I'm in a deep shit :(

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your parents can understand you and support you,only you must talk to them about that and if you really try to get good marks they cant blame you.

Please help me I'm in a deep shit :(

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I can understand how stressful this must be for you, in school my mother expected much from me but I always seemed to fall short of the mark, no matter how hard I tried. I was always very nervous when the exam results came back or my progress reports. I found that If I did some extra chores and was extra helpful around the house before my mother looked at my marks/results she was still upset but not as much as she may have been if I didn't do some helpful things. once the worst bit is over (when they first see the results/marks) it gets a bit better. talk as honestly and frankly as you can, show them ways you have been trying hard in your subjects. sometimes they can react less negatively than we are dreading in our minds. good luck!

Please help me I'm in a deep shit :(

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Don't worry about it, when you're much older your marks are going to matter in the 'real world'. As long as pass, can la I'd suggest you think about getting into business as early as now. When you get older, you'll make a butt tonne more money than the friends who aced the exams! - source: real life nerd whose "dumb" barely passing school friends became richer than him :(

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