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Leaving my emotionally dominating partner is proving harder than I thought

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Hello all, I think this might be the first time i have used a forum of any kind or gone to seek advice from an online community, so hey here goes! I am a straight male and have been with my partner for about 2.5 years. I want to avoid making a character assassination as nobody is perfect and we all have our baggage. She is generous, kind and thoughtful, very socially outgoing/confident and driven in her career. For these things i respect her a lot. I have however over the last 6 months been feeling very isolated and lonely in our relationship. Very early on i noticed she would get incredibly upset about issues with friends, work, or family, housemates etc on a very regular basis. I was happy to listen but over a longer period of time i felt like I was serving as an emotional bounce board not as a partner with my own voice and thoughts. I also noticed her family and friends serve a similar purpose to me. It got to a point where i started to feel incredibly tense, anxious and stressed when she would come home or we sat down together. She of course would leave the conversation feeling better and i would be left to chew over her problems and my own also. On one occasion i was working from home, she walked into my office as i was in the middle of something, sat down and without me saying a word talked at me from the doorway for half an hour and left. I felt like a piece of shit and began to grow apart from her romantically and sexually in a very drastic way. I tried to explain to her how i felt but she attributed this to my own insecurities or mental health, if i were or am to ever push the issue further she becomes incredibly angry and upset and physically leaves the discussion ending any further conversation on her own terms. I feel more alone than ever, she screams and slams doors when i cant satisfy her expectations and refuses to answer my questions. I plan to move out and need advice on how to continue sharing a space with her until i can make further steps. Many thanks for listening.

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