Feeling pressure
2EMAGINE - Apr 27 2019 at 18:07
So I am under the care of a psych. who insists that I am underweight (even though I have already gained 10lbs after starting treatment) and at the opposite side, I have been diagnosed with PCOS and the specialist recommends me losing weight to rebalance my hormone levels...so I am torn. Feeling pressured and confused about what advice I should be listening to and acting on and although I don't want to triangulate the two doctors, I am not sure what to do. Honestly, I want to be a good patient and satisfy (and comply) to both individuals but I am torn. Would appreciate any professional or non professional advice ( I have been postponing my gynaecological visit after my last blood test results which clearly indicate high estrogen levels, which are the result of being overweight/weight gain/fluctuations). Thank you in advance.
Ok I am not a professional so I am not sure who is 'right' but weird to be given completely opposite advice. I would have thought the specialist would know more about weight that the psych? What is the reason for being under the care of the psych? Also if you don't mind saying what is your current weight and height?
I am about 5'7 and about 120lbs. Some dude called me chubby a little while ago and I weighed less than that...and I told my psych. this and she said that his opinion doesn't matter (although I don't know who he is, I do think that people's feedback does matter, especially a male point of view and I know that I started to gain weight when I hit puberty while most of my friends did not and I feel that my struggle has been with bingeing and weight gain and not the other way around). Hugs.