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Hi, its been exactly a month now!!! I got into an argument with my boyfriend. I was really upset as he wasn't making much time for me, wasn't speaking to me much etc.....I stupidly made a point that other men notice me and he doesn't and if I wanted to I could have cheated on him (stupid thing to say I know!) this comment upset him alot, which resulted in him saying that he doesn't trust me, and he's ended it with me. I have apologised to him so many times, its been a month now, I didn't think he would stay angry with me for this long? If I try messaging him he either doesn't reply or keeps his replies very short. I messaged him the other day telling him how much I miss him and he just replied with a sad face. I really don't know what to do, I love him and honestly didn't mean to hurt him. Have I ruined any chances of us ever getting back together?

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I dont think you have, talk to him face to face, if he keeps ignoring you send him a message telling him how sad you are and apologising and say you understand its time to move on, this will make him relise his mistake in my opinion

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It sounds to me like he was looking for a reason to break up with you and you just gave it to him by saying what you did. You were already getting signals that he was losing interest. I know this sounds cold...but I'm not saying it to be mean. A woman knows when something is wrong even if we can't quite put our finger on it, and I think your intuition was telling you something was wrong. It was too easy for him to just walk away and not give you a chance to work it out. That usually means there was no feeling there...move on.

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Honestly me being on the outside looking in -- It doesn't seem like he was into you to much. I get the impression that he might of fell out of ''lust/love''. I'm not sure how long you' two have been together but him not making any time for you or speaking to you to much is a strong indication that he didn't really want to be with you anymore. I think he was to much of a coward to break things off so the first opportunity he got to point the blame at you, he used it.. I mean C'MON NO GUY IS GOING TO BREAK THINGS OFF WITH A GIRL HE REALLY LIKES OVER SOMETHING SO SILLY! That was just an excuse. I know you're in denial now but once you're over him you'll think back and say ''Wow he didn't break up with me because of what i said. That was just an excuse'' If a guy truly likes a girl he won't let what you've said ruin the relationship. Once you get over the denial part (The part about you thinking he broke up with you because of what YOU said.) you'll be able to move foward.

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Hi, like the other friends says, the guy just need an excuse to be free. i do not want to mean but you have to move, even though it is not easy to forget your love one!!!

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