Feeling rejected

DONZ - May 24 2019 at 21:59
I've been dating this guy for 3 months. Nothing too serious but we enjoy each other's company. Unfortunately his mother died 3 weeks ago and since then he hasn't been replying to my texts. I sent him a final text telling him I understood what he's going through but I felt sad and rejected and i want to offer him my support . He replied a day later saying hes sorry i feel that way but I should understand that he's going through a lot and has a lot to organize and he'll contact me when things have settled.
I do understand this but where we used to text every day there is zero communication now. I know he's going through a lot but I can't help feeling rejected. I just want to give him my support but I'm unable to. Should I just be patient or is this proof that he's just not that into me?
Some people just tend to make out problems with themselves.
They feel weak and don't know how to accept outside help.
It could mean anything.
Why don't you just go over there and be there for him? Cook him a nice dinner, help him sort papers or whatever it is he has to do.
However bringing drama into his live is probably no good idea
No he has made it clear he wants to deal with it with just his family and I've respected his wishes and have not attempted to contact him so not to create any drama. I guess I just have to be patient. He may call me in time...he may not. What will be will be
I think it is just a matter of being patient like you say, and respecting the space he’s asking for. He’s probably not communicating too much with his friends or anyone else tbh.
He has to go through the whole grieving process too, so this is going to take a while.
If he was serious about you he will come back :-).
I think that's bullshit. If he is not willing or not able to share his drama and or emotions means either
You are not the right person or
He is emotionally not grown up
For me personally both would be unacceptable. I would communicate this.
However that might be acceptable to you, so hey.
Things have changed since the I posted this. I've found out he's been hanging out with his friends playing golf and has also attended a wedding yet still hasn't texted me. So it's now obvious he has no regard for me so I've ended the whole thing and am moving on.
Everyone handles trauma differntly, I myself shut down and do not talk to anyone even if i love the person so he may be the same.
As for him hanging out with his friends, he may feel more comfortable expressing his feelings to his friends as opposed to a girl who he doesn't want to seem "weak" around