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What does he want?

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I will try and keep it short/sweet and easy to read :) I met a guy 3 years ago... 1st year of knowing him - we went of a few dates, talked every day etc then stopped seeing each other (for no reason) but still spoke almost every day. 2nd year of knowing him - we were still talking frequently and happened to bump into each other randomly whilst we were doing our post-grad (we didn't know we both went to the same college/campus as there are hundreds around the UK). Throughout this whole time, I was still actively dating and ended up getting into a relationship with my now ex-boyfriend but once that relationship ended me and the guy in question started speaking every day again, went out on dates and one thing eventually led to another haha 3rd year of knowing him - We have been seeing each other frequently, he has been very nice (taking me on dates, cooking for me, compliments me etc) and has brought up going away together. My questions are: 1. Would a guy just looking for some fun wait over a year to get laid? and still, talk to the girl years after? 2. From an outsider perspective, what do you think his intentions are? I asked him what's the deal and he said he enjoys spending time with me/talking to me and those are his intentions??? :-

What does he want?

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Thanks for your reply! There aren't any issues but I just don't want another 3 years to pass by and we're still only talking/seeing each other once in a while

What does he want?

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Let go of that fear. It's bringing you down and stopping you from enjoying what's happening. He's giving dating you a try in order to see if he'd like to be with you long term. Seeing as you guys have been in contact for 3+ years and he hasn't lost interest yet I would say there's a good chance he will conclude that you would make a good girlfriend. As long as you just relax and stop worrying so much. Be yourself, that's who he is interested in.

What does he want?

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I agree with you and know I'm an overthinker but I don't think it takes someone 3 years to figure out if they want a relationship with someone and I don't want to be in this same positon another 3 years down the line

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