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My and my partner have intercourse about 1 or 2 times a week but days aparts. This week we had sex on Monday and it went great. Last night he mentioned how aroused he was and we planned our intercourse today after work. After him giving me oral sex i proceed to give him some as well. I knew i was doing an excellent job but he kept getting hard then back on soft. I have no idea , i have a feeling he is not sexually attracted to me anymore. any advice as to why this may have happened or what can i do to fix it.


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I think for older guys this can be normal sometimes. If he's younger, could be side effects from medication, tiredness, stress, alcohol, could be distracted by something on his mind. Or it could be low testosterone which I think is the main cause with older guys. It almost certainly has nothing to do with his level of attraction for you. You're his girlfriend and you guys had sex a week ago and it didn't happen. So far it's just a one off so I wouldn't worry about it.

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