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I love him

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i been with me boyfriend just over a year now and he went out and went behind me back then we split up and he went with the same lass again but he didnt sleep with her and i took him back but its not the same i dont know if he loves me and he is my frist love and i carnt leave him i just dont know what to do i lost a baby in july and that is what is hurting he said he would be there for me and that he wouldnt go behind me back again wot do you think i should do

I love him

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ONCE A CHEAT, ALWAYS A CHEAT!!!. dont go back to him whatever you do. find i nice new bloke who wont cheat on you and brake your heart.

I love him

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i completely agree with princess me! sorry hun. u deserve better than that. x

I love him

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Hi amanda it must be really difficult of what your feeling rite now.. Im sory to her that you lost your baby.PS PRINCESS ME YOUR NOT ALWAYS RIGTH YOU KNOW.. anyway he cheated on you more than once and that really give you a meesage that his not truthfull he may be loves you but you cant assure that. Blokes are blokes every oppurtinity they can get they cant say "no" babe, just sort your life out and get RID OF HIM

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