Unsure about his feelings

JOSEY - Jul 27 2019 at 14:10
I took my son to taekwondo and had to send a meesage on the taekwondo group the coach instead of answering on group answered direct on what's app. Then a few weeks after that he asked me who my friend was because I mentioned her on my status. So he had been checking my status. I was married and going through a divorce so for three months I didn't talk with him he said he didn't want to come inside my marriage. But he was always watching my status. When the divorce was finalised. He sent me a message in what's app saying hi I have had this message from a girl in UK do you think it's real or she is a hacker. Anyway after that he started talking to me and he said he had been studying me good. Then he asked me out and I said I don't know and then he said he didn't know. He is shy man. The other day he sent me pictures of his class and I joked and said very good but where is muscular men he said there is only me. So I joked more I said if you want me to bring my son back to taekwondo you have to put some men in there and then he said there is only me. I tested hi the other day there is a taxi driver that asked me to go out with him so I told him about this taxi driver and immediately he said what was you answer to him. So I said I told him no the next day I went out but alone and he was constantly checking my status to see what I was doing. But then he will go quiet and chat never and its so strange I can't understand him or what he wants
I also mentioned to him that he had a nice smile and he knows I like muscular men and he changed all his profile pictures and put a new one with him showing his arms smiling but I don't know if it's my imagination or if he is playing I have no idea. He asked me where I am living now and are my neighbours good he told me he is going camping fir the weekend and about a show that he will do soon. He always puts pictures on his status even though he has put them on his business Facebook account so I don't k ow who can see them on his status. Then I found on his business Facebook account that my comment for one of his videos has been highlighted it said highlighted comment with my comment there Nd it was the only one on his businesses account when I asked him about he said he don't k ow maybe Facebook has done it
There should be a special place in hell for people that prey on the newly divorced.
On top of that, this is very stalker-ish behavior.
And you haven't even been on a single date.
Nobody is that cute, lol. You deserve much much better.