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I'm 27 yrs old.. I went into depression 8 years ago.. but still taking medications for it to not to return parents have been searching for a groom for a long period of time..but whomever we approach they slide away after knowing about the medications.. I'm totally worrying a lot.. I feel helpless.. sometimes I get a feel as if I can be a spinster throughout my life.. but now fortunately I have a good career.. I'm a teacher n I'm loving it..I thank God for it.. but still being single and not getting a good partner keeps me worried.. I also have tried proposing to guys whom I like.. but nothing worked out.. I'm worried about my afraid if I will ever get married n ever get a good husband.. what shall I do? Stay spinster or keep hope that doesn't come naturally to me..

Depressed and single

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:-D (A)

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