
MATT R - Mar 26 2012 at 09:43
im 17 years old and i've had a pantyhose fetish for as long as i can remember, i used to steal my mums and sisters. i am not homosexual. i dont know how people will react if i tel them.
Since what you are describing is a sexual fetish, and since most people prefer to keep their sex lives private, well, you really don't have to share this with anyone besides perhaps whoever you wish to be sexually involved with. Buy pantyhose for yourself without shame, it makes you happy and doesn't hurt anyone. I can tell you from personal experience as someone who's significant other has some really strange kinks and fetishes (way stranger than yours), if you find someone who you really love, you would be happy to love them as they are. All pieces and quirks included.
I've been the same way for almost a decade. You're fine just the way you are!
Don't tell anyone! The two worst mistakes you can make are 1) tell somebody and 2) get caught. Do whatever you live in private, hide the stuff well, and don't tell anyone until you're way older and in a strong relationship.
Please don't think that there is anything abnormal about you... there are many people with far more extream fetishes than yours!
if i were you, I wouldn't worry- gettting turned on by pantyhose is no different to being turned on by other sexy lingerie!
You don't have to tell anyone at all- most people are discreet about their fetishes.