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The 29 year old virgin

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It's hard to know where to start. I am 29 years old. It looks like I have a lot of my life together, but I am just hanging on by a thread. I am someone who has always been alone. I have friends and family, but never any type of romantic relationship. I have always wanted one, but don't feel deserving - not for any particular reason, but just by virtue of being me. I don't know why I'm making myself fail. How pathetic is it that I'm still a virgin? It feels really sad. I honestly feel like a leper on society. 'You're a virgin, what the fuck is wrong with you?'. Nights and weekends are the hardest. I don't know what to do with myself. My friends are in relationships so they're often are unavailable, and I don't want to be the person who hangs out with her parents every weekend. I feel paralyzed by fear and a stupid amount of loneliness. How do I get out of this rut that I've been living in since forever?

The 29 year old virgin

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Hi Candice. Concentrate on love rather than sex. Ask yourself what kind of partner you want. When you see those traits in a person of interest, get to know that person more. Chat a little bit. Be a little forward. Offer help or advise in small ways. Be jokinly suggestive about meeting casually. Do not suffer fools in your journey to love. Good luck

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