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Waiting for him

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I had a crush on my brother's friend some 10 years ago.. I proposed him.. he is very close to my brother.. as I proposed him.. he told me that it will become a problem.. between me,him, and my brother..later we had no contact.. but my brother and his friends lied to me that he got married.. and showed me a pic.. it seems to me that it's jus a build up.. so I didn't disturb him at all.. I was busy with education. But now my family is searching me a groom.. I searched for this guy in Google.. he has accounts but has never posted his wife's pic not even his child's pic.. I asked my bro abt it.. he says he doesn't know abt it.. though they are close.. I like him really lot.. I wanna talk to him.. but my bro is getting upset.. what shall I do? Shall I talk to him about it?

Waiting for him

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Well, I think that it stinks that things didn't work out the way you wanted. However, don't hold your life up for anyone since it has been a long time since you talked to him, and sadly he has not hit you up or tried to find you since you last spoke to him 10 years ago. I advise you that you move on with your future and life and not let this be the end all outcome. There is a lot of people out there. I wish you the best! Good Luck -- Alex

Waiting for him

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At the end of the day he was your brothers friend, and your brother was not comfortable with you wanting to date him. He still isn't. You should respect that. It's been 10 years so it's highly likely that he has a wife/girlfriend and family of his own now. Don't pursue him. Nothing good will come of it. Move on from this one.

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