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I don't know if this is abusive or not?

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My boyfriend and I have been together seven months now. Sometimes we have really good days but on the bad days it gets kinda bad. Here lately whenever I tell him I'm not in the mood for sex or anything sexual, he gets really angry with me. At first it's because I thought maybe I wasn't doing it enough but we started doing it up to three times a day and he still gets upset if I want to say no or take a day for a break. He tells me it's because it's one of the only things I do to make him happy so 'who am I to take that from him'. Here lately he's also been getting really angry when I tell him no on smaller things. But I'm not sure if I'm actually in the wrong. He tells me that I should never want to say no because of all the things he does for me. He tells me that I'm not a woman and that I'm not worth his time when I do say no to him.

I don't know if this is abusive or not?

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Step away from your small child, selfish and abusive BF of 7 months. You have every right to say no. You need to find yourself a man who respects you for who you are and not what you are to him. If he thinks you're not worth his time when you voice your basic rights, then tell him to go and find someone else who is.

I don't know if this is abusive or not?

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omg. You have every right to say no. You need to find yourself a man who respects you for who you are and not what you are to him.

I don't know if this is abusive or not?

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Time to leave. This is 100% abuse. He cant treat you like that, its awful. Leave or kick his ass out.

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