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Should I confront him?

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I've known this friend of mine for about 2-3 years now, and we've become close, as of late. Over the past few months, we have both engaged in private facetimes, as well as group facetimes with our friend group. We were always somewhat close, but then a couple of months ago, one of our mutual friends began to tease the idea of my friend having a secret only he knew. After the teasing began, my friend began to act more and more as if he was interested in me. He wanted to facetime me privately more often, he talked to me in person a lot more (often going out of his to do so), he bought me small things, and he just began to do a lot of things that weren't "normal." He eventually began to ask about my job and when I would work, so he could try and visit me. He even began to ask me if I wanted to go see movies with him "and our friend group" (put in quotation marks as he claimed to have asked our friends to go, but when I asked them they said he never spoke to them about the movies). Recently, the friend who was teasing the secret told me that my friend had liked me for a couple of months. However, I believe that my friend found out that I found out about his secret, and for the past week and a half, he's been ignoring me and avoiding me. He has not spoken a single word to me, not sent a single text, and he has not acknowledged me in our shared group chat with our friends. I have caught him glancing and staring at me several times, but he has even taken different routes as to not interact with me. I would like advice; should I let him work through his feelings himself or should I confront him about it?

Should I confront him?

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I agree with SUSIEDQQ on this one. It doesn't make sense to lead him on if you are not interested in making this move forward into anything. I think that you should talk to him and get to know him more if you have the time and AGAIN want too. I think he has exhausted a lot of effort to see if you re interested and he is getting frustrated or maybe agitated that you are not acting upon it. But either way I think it would be best to let him know where you stand. If you would like to email me more about this or want any other suggestions or advice you are more than happy to email me at [e-mail address removed] I hope this helps :)

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