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I just want to know

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Please write five reasons you want to live and five reasons you want to die.

I just want to know

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wanna live: be with parents and grandma cuz i love them travel travel travel see what is happening next! touch the joys of life see if love is true! wanna die: 1.cuz i'm not satisfied with my life 2.i do not believe in love anymore 3.i don't have enough money to travel , enjoy life as i want, 4.i have a situation that i can not change the status of my life 5.i wanna know if i have a better position after death

I just want to know

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5 reasons to live 1. To smell, taste and touch 2. To love and be loved 3. To learn 4. To grow old 5. To watch my childrens children grow. 5 reasons to die 1. If God bid me 2. To stand for freedom 3. In order for my loved ones to live 4.To give the ultimate sacrifice 5. We all will die eventally

I just want to know

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To live: 1. To spend time with and love my children and my grandchildren. 2. To appreciate our wonderful planet and all the beauty it holds. 3. To anticipate things that might happen and remember things that have. 4. To have the chance to give back something to people who have always loved and supported me. 5. To see beauty in some things and try to understand why bad things happen. To die: 1. To make way for the future generation. 2. To finally rest in the hope that I have left something good in the world. 3. To finally discover if there is an afterlife. 4. To be able to donate my organs to someone who needs them. 5. To complete what is a natural and normal existence.

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