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Falling for the right man at the wrong time!

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I’ve been with my partner for nearly 9 years. He is great in so many ways but has some traits I just can’t seem to understand. He works incredibly hard and can really make me laugh. Although is super unsociable and lacks any romance! I’m so romantic and love affection, he likes it in the bedroom only. No complaints, gestures or anything like that unless it leads to sex. Without meaning to I’ve met another guy. Yet it’s even more complicated. He is married with two children but unhappy at home too. He is the complete opposite to my partner. He calls me beautiful, gorgeous, he has a nickname for me. He doesn’t want just sex (we haven’t done that yet) I get so frustrated that even after telling my partner to his face that is like him to be more romantic and give compliments, I feel I’m asking to much of him, but it’s not something I should be asking for! Is it not something that he should want to do? I’m frustrated that I’m falling for this other guy so hard that he is literally all I think about! I get jealous just thinking of him with his wife! I completely understand it but can’t control how I feel about him. I wouldn’t want him to leave his family as I actually know them and have looked after his children!!!! I need some serious advice on where to go with this! I’m getting myself in such a state over this!

Falling for the right man at the wrong time!

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Hi-This married man father of two using the oldest BS line in history- "I'm so unhappy at home" is simply trying to get into your pants. Seek counseling with your partner.

Falling for the right man at the wrong time!

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I know the his family pretty well which is making this extremely hard. He is having trouble at home as they are very open about it. I think it’s a guilt issue I have but equally being selfish.

Falling for the right man at the wrong time!

BLUEBIRD11 profile image
Hey So you have been with this man for 9 years for what? If there's no romance.. if he doesn't make you feel like you are the one.. why are you there for? Like seriously... I think both two options are a NO. There's always a plan C and in this case it possible means you finding out what it means to be happy.

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