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"I'm going to slap you on to the floor", am I safe?

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Hey all. My husband of 3 months, ( known him for 5 years). said something to me this morning after I said no to the breakfast he offered me. He said he was going to "slap me onto the floor." When I asked what he said, he replied "nothing" three times. Then he admitted yes that is what he said. I have a feeling it was an accident what he said, but it made me very uncomfortable at the same time. What should i do? He has NEVER physically abused me. But I have been phys. abused by two other men in my life. So this appears to be a red flag for me. How do I know if I am safe? How can we resolve this?

"I'm going to slap you on to the floor", am I safe?

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Let him know that, that is unacceptable. Is he aware of your past if so he is so out of line. If you fear that he would ever actually do it then you need to get out.

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