I really need advice
XCMM - Dec 23 2019 at 07:58
So its a long story but bear with me. About a month ago I woke up to sudden immediate health issues and been rushed around to several specialist and hospitals. And during that time I kept missing work and shortly I was fired because I was told if I acted fast they may be able to salvage it. And at the time my partner said that it was fine and to take off as much as I needed to and he didn't have an issue.
Fast forward 2 months and we were drinking and we got into an argument about him not communicating and he got mad and said that I was angry because all the overtime he was working. Which isn't true I'm mad that he isn't involved with family outings and his free time he is on his phone or the game. Nobody wants to just be only wanted for sex.
He threw me not working in my face. And it hurt me a lot because he knows if I could I would work I'm very independent. He made me feel awful. He came home the next day acted like nothing happened I confronted him and he apologized but I still am upset. What do I do I really love him I was planning on proposing to him on Xmas. But how can I make long term plans with someone who can't be there for me now.
I'd say forgive your partner for things they said during the argument, and move on from it. Yes, he might have said some things that were hurtful, and yes, he may have been the one that originally told you it's fine and to do what you have to do to get well. But you had an argument while drinking, and I'm sure while your partner is fine with you being out of work for now, they probably need to relax a bit in their own way and unwind from work.
Maybe the next time you are spending time together, try to suggest talking or doing something else together besides just sex. It can be difficult to make time for family gatherings and outings around work, but I'm sure you'll find some occasion that works out for both of you. With the Holidays, surely you've gotten the opportunity to spend a little more time with one another?
I think you have been a little unreasonable if I'm honest. He's working allot of extra hours to compensate for you not working (not your fault of course) but complaining that he doesn't use his spare time (time he likely just wants to use to unwind and rest because of working so much) going on family outings. Not everyone wants to go on outings when they are exhausted from work. Be a little more sensitive and grateful about what he IS doing for you rather than what he ISN'T. I can understand why he got mad.