How to trust again

CYRCE - Jan 12 2020 at 09:30
I have been married to my husband for just over three years. Within a month of being married, my mother moved in with us. We soon found out she had early onset Alzheimer’s. It has been a very long road the last three years with having her with us.
We have always had issues with my husband being a flirt and going too far. It’s been a constant battle of me not being able to trust him, because he will stop for a bit then start again. I don’t know how to even begin trusting him again. I also don’t know if he can ever stop. He swears up and down that he loves me and wants only me. His messages, pictures, and videos always make me think that’s a lie.
I want our marriage to work. I have been trying to find a therapist that we can afford. Part of me is worried and scared that we can’t make it work. My husband is my best friend. When we are together we always have a great time and I feel like it’s just him and I. He has been my rock this whole time with dealing with my mother’s illness. He has held me up when my mental illness was taking over. We have a beautiful family together, I don’t want my kids to have a broken home.
Has anyone else gone through something similar and stayed together? Is there hope for us? Or am I just holding to a dream that I can’t have?
Hello. How's it going
Hello. It’s gong alright. How about yourself?
When you say your husband goes to far, what do you mean; what has he done, was his behavior before you married him the same as it is now?
Might be useful for you to decide the cost of staying in that relationship. As I understand cheaters do not stop their activities. Its like a drug. Why are you living with your mother in law. Sounds like she needs care, my opinion. You ask if there’s any hope. Hope for what? I presume he will keep doing what he is doing while there is no challenge to his behaviour.
I don't believe he loves you, not if you suffer so much and he keeps going. I think you could benefit by being very strong about what it is you want and then go and get it. Suffering is optional. :$ (A)