Should I be mad or worried if bf brought gun to my home w/o telling me?

ANXIOUSORNOT - Jan 13 2020 at 19:50
My bf and I have been together about 5 months and during that time, he has told me he has a gun collection and in the past has done some shooting (for sport of course). Recently, he asked how I felt about is he brought one of his guns to my home when he stays here for protection (I do live in a rural area and there is little if any security). Before I could give an answer he looked up to see if he gun carrying license was legit in my state and it was not he said. So I really never said yes or no. Truthfully, if he tells me the truth and leaves it really secure I don't mind it since I have no children or others in my home.
when he was leaving yesterday and getting his stuff together he inadvertently opened a bag and it was the gun with some ammo and he said to me "I shouldn't have lied to you". Not, I never asked if he had a gun and he never offered that info but thus far, I have found him to be very honest and open.
What is the right thing to do? For example, should I say something or not and if so, what?
Without making a mountain out of a molehill, you need to understand that if the Law finds his gun in your home, with or without your knowledge of it, then you will have a legal issue.
Secondly, you shouldn't have to ask your BF to be open and honest with you about anything, it should be a given. Just because he didn't offer you any information about the gun because you didn't ask doesn't make it all OK. If you both know that his license doesn't cover your state, then where do you stand with your relationship with him as well as his actions concerning the gun?