Need an advice: how to start a divorce? and should I do that?

LEXIPAR1010 - Feb 14 2020 at 13:49
My husband is one of those manipulators, who suppose that they are always right and nobody else can argue with him or his point of view. We have been married for about 6 months only, started dating about 2 yrs ago, when I was 25 and he was 22 (I know that he is much younger, but who cares, right?) So he convinced me that I shouldn't refuse his proposal, it was really romantic in our happy place, but during these months he has changed, I wouldn't say it's a gaslighting, cuz I am not a therapist, but I am almost sure it purely is. He keeps emphasizing that its always my fault that he keeps texting other girls and meet with his "friends" at 3 in the morning.
But the other day I was offered a great job in Austin, Texas. I am scared to start a life without him, though I really would like to. Not sure if I want to start a divorce cuz I have no idea how to do that and may be I should give him another chance. We don't have a house or any other thing to share, just renting a flat. Should I apply for a divorce at court or go to cheap lawyer? I am pretty broke now.
Are you sure you are ready to split up? I mean, all the relations are suffering from misunderstanding and quarrels. But trust to each other is a basis to everything. He might talk to other women and still wake up nearby. Does he make you happy? If yes, may be you should consider a conversation with your significant other? 6 months is not enough to say that your marriage failed. :^) (A)
To me, this person isn't the one who deserves the second chance. He's gonna to make you serve him with no hestotion or care how to manage your family life. He is the one who would make you into commitment, but with no reference to himself. I would leave him, but with 100 percent readiness only. Look for a lawyer in the place you are moving to or try to file for divorce online, for example here Anyway, there would be no chance in nearest future he would change,unless he realizes that you are really worth to be loved, but why to stay in relationships, where you are not appreciated?
I don't exactly know how to input links here, so google for them or just follow the link in my previous message. Still, if you have nothing to share, divorce wouldn't be that expensive for you two if he agrees to that
This guy is not only a manipulator and a controller but he's also very disrepectful towards you if he blames you for his actions of meeting others at 3 in the morning. He's solely responsible for his actions, not you. You need to give him an ultimatum and if he can't or won't treat you as you deserve, or even talk about it, then you need to walk away.
You need to understand that after just 6 months of marriage , you're still a bride and if he doesn't recognize that, then your marriage is not going well. He's not likely to change and his actions of contacting other girls is basically telling you where his level of commitment is to you.