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Been dating this guy for almost 5years he was an angel sent from heaven for i was broken when we met but everyday he stood by me, never gave up on me believed in me more than i ever did myself.He looked out for me, respected me, shielded me. He was my best friend we talked about everything. Up until last year around November everything changed he started being distant and not talking to i tried to understand why i couldn't get an answer up until 2months later. He told me he didn't understand himself needed time to figure what is going on with him. I have him time but it took too long i was suffocating i asked what was going on and all i got was its better off when am just focusing on myself and not hurting you coz i hate to see you hurting or crying. I tried to get him to let me in so we figure thawas out together because i didn't wanna give up on him coz he never gave up on me but he kept pushing me away. Telling me he will always be loyal to me he is finding himself so he could be committed to me. He wants to be strong for me. I believed it up until i started to realise he bloked me on social media now but didn't block my brother. How does a person go from talking to you everyday to not talking to you at all for weeks? What went wrong? When i ask if he doesn't want me anymore he says its not like that but it seems he would rather have me say we done than him actually saying it. Do i give up or still be hopeful and believe he will come back to do right by me? I've never been so lost we were so good together i never thought I'd ever see this day?


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Usually when you push someone to let you in it causes them to push away more. Let me ask, does he know how you feel about him? Maybe you could reach out to schedule a time to met for coffee or lunch and express the way you feel about him. If you think you are going to get emotional then I would not meet in public but maybe meet for lunch, keep it light then talk after lunch. You should tell him how you feel about him and tell him how cutting you out makes you feel. You should also tell him you respect his need for space but to maybe check in with you every now and then if he really wants something with you and you are willing to wait for him. Tell him you want to be there for him but you understand if he wants to figure this out alone. Tell him you will be there if he needs you. Make a plan to check in with each other once a week. Maybe see if he is open to grabbing lunch once a week. If though he doesn't want you in his life at all right now I would say you might need to consider moving on. Best of luck!


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I've tried to get him to meet but he won't agree to it. I told him how i feel and that i wanna be with him but it didn't change anything.I even tried to get him to talk every once a week but still he won't. I don't know what to do anymore, and i feel like am giving up on him if i just let go,yet its not like i can control the situation ?

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