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me and my gf have been together for 9 months now and every now and again she tells me that she has second thoughts and then a lil while later she is back to normal i am getting to the point of calling it off with her. we planned to meet eathother in sept and maby move in togher but idk what to do i am getting tired of this and i dont want to leave her cuz i love her but what should i do


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First of all, I'm not a native speaker, second, I'm a teenager who hasn't yet been in a relationship yet (just to warn ya). Now: 9 Months is a long time for a relationship. You get to know each other better, and sometimes you will dislike your gf's/bf's habits. No one is perfect for you, and it's those little things that can annoy you. But little things are forgivable. There will be points in a relationship where you line up all those annoying little habits and wonder if you are right for each other. (the second thoughts) This goes for both men and woman. You can try talk to her about it, but if you don't want to, watch her. When you are telling her something look at her and try to see if she is annoyed or tense. Try to avoid those little habits. If she loves you she will come back to you every time, and put her doubts aside. Moving in is a big step, and if I'm right about both of your habits than it could be too soon to take that step. My suggestion is to take a vacation or spent the weekend. You'll have fun and make sure to do something together (even the zoo) Tell her some stories about your childhood and get some in return. Once you're sure you know her and she knows you (which is just as important) and you're going strong, bring the subject of moving in up again. Hopefully you'll have more luck the second time around. Good luck! I hope this helped.


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Firstly do you feel this may be a domination problem in your relationship?, do you have a lot of say after all relationsjips should be 50/50 , and if your not happy then there is not relationship just exsistense. My advice would be to tell her your aware of this behaviour role now and again arising, and try and find out if she is worried about anything, maybe an insecuirty under lining this!....If not then try changing your routine as a couple , it may just be a bad pattern of boredom x


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Let me give you this email address [e-mail address removed] there they usually discuss issues that are related to that am sure you will get a solution to your problem. All the best.

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