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My boyfriend went with a prostitute, please help me understand

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Until today, I had a great relationship, I loved my man and he says he loves me. He just returned from working in South Africa, and confessed that he went with a prostitute: and now he has an STD and both of us have to go to the clinic. Worse, he had unprotected sex. He can't explain why he did it. He says it was a completely random thing, the taxi driver set it up and he went along with it. The girl was licensed, and subject to checks every 2 weeks, but he didn't exactly ask to read her certificate first. I am in shock , and I really am going through a whole sea of emotions here. My life has changed in an instant, but I can't get my head around why guys do this? I feel that I don't know him at all. Please can someone, male and female offer me some insight? I'm taking time out of the relationship, but I don't know what to do. I keep thinking, ridiculously about Hugh Grant doing this, when he had such a gorgeous girlfriend, and that stops me blaming myself. My boyfriend admits that his life could not have been happier, so I just can't understand this.

My boyfriend went with a prostitute, please help me understand

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I hate to say it nicegirl, but I think your mans a bit of a rotter. You shouldn't blame yourself at all for his selfish and stupid actions. Not only did he put his own long term health at risk for a moment of instant gratification, but he put yours at risk too. If he were my boyfriend, I don't think I would be able to ever trust him again, and furthermore, I don't think he deserves your trust - he certainly hasn't earnt it!! I can understand your feelings of confusion, but I believe that sadly some people, whether they are male or female are incapable of sustaining a loving and committed relationship. You deserve better than someone like this. Someone you can love and trust and someone who loves and respects you enought to remain faithful, whatever temptations are put intheir way. I'm sorry if this is a bit of a rant, but I hope that it helps you see things a bit more clearly and helps you make a decision about your relationship that you are happy with in the future. Good luck anyway whatever your choice.

My boyfriend went with a prostitute, please help me understand

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i argree with smelly cat. get rid of that dirty dickhead!

My boyfriend went with a prostitute, please help me understand

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Hi there dont ever trust him,, blokes like that are not fully committed to you i mean how come he was there in the first place anyway..and that excuse about the driver setting him up? thats loads a bullocks.

My boyfriend went with a prostitute, please help me understand

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Your man doesnt see wat he has got, a caring wife; no affence but he is a bum for doin twhat he did, you should have been able to trust him when he is away. If you feel that u are unable to ever trust him again then i think you should consider a divorce, because marriage is all about trust isnt it but if you still care and feel love for him deeply then follow your heart and try to talk it through with him. He should also know that what he has done is wrong. Hope you make the right descision best of luck.

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