Am I crazy???
SADANDMAD82 - Mar 29 2020 at 21:17
My husband and I have been together for 18 years. We have 3 children together. About 4 years ago my husband went through something I can only describe as like a midlife crisis. He was in the military and always had a great work ethic, kept a clean appearance, and treated me well. When he turned 40 he started growing his hair long, bought a motorcycle, and started staying out sometimes for days. He had a accident on his motorcycle and broke his elbow. He had to have surgery and lost his job because of it. I had this gut feeling he was cheating on me and he was. We decided that we didn't want to get a divorce because we still loved each other. These past few years have been up and down. He's very disrespectful to me. He talks down to me and makes me feel like he doesn't even like me at times. Other times he's so loving and caring it's almost annoying. I'm no saint and I have done and said things disrespectful to him. I recently just bought a new car and he wasn't thrilled that I did. I feel like because he hasn't worked in 4 years he really shouldn't have any say in what vehicle I've purchased. He has his own car and motorcycle that I had no say in purchasing. Well yesterday morning he took the new vehicle I bought and hasn't been back home since. He shut his phone off only turning it on to tell me he's not bringing me my car back. I need my car to get back and forth to work and do the things I need to do for my family. I think I'm at the point in my relationship that I've just had enough. Am I crazy?? Is this acceptable behavior from someone who doesn't work or have any responsibilities?
No, it's certainly not acceptable behavior from anyone, regardless of responsibilities. Your relationship has been going downhill for the past few years and it's at the stage now that you guys either go to professional counselling willingly or call it quits. What's the use of trying to maintain a marriage when you both aren't contributing to it. When it's all said and done, it's all OK not to want to get divorced and still love each other, but ask yourself how much left field behavior is enough, just to stay married.