Confused by one of my ex's

CONFUSED GIRL - Jul 6 2012 at 04:09
I was dating this guys last summer, I thought everything was going great and next thing I know he breaks up with me and never told me or anyone why. It was the start of my senior year and I had to be in school with the guy who had just broke up with me, and had a new gf already. Well me and her kind of started to become friends and he hated that. After about three months of them dating I was hanging out with him at school, she was up on stage with the choir singing, and well he kissed me, we started making out. Well the week after that happened she found out and they broke up. He was saying he was going to get back with me but right before he did he started dating a different girl. I was upset and hurt and confused. those two dated for about 7 months but most of the time he was cheating on her with me. At times he would tell me to move on, to not talk to him and everything. And I would but he always did something to pull me back in. Well they finally broke up and she doesnt know he was cheating on her with me, she thinks it was someone else. I thought since it was summer and all the drama of school was over that maybe me and him could maybe have a chance. And we were great friends for a while. We would always talk and he would make me laugh and smile and we would just have fun. But when he is pissed off or upset about anything, even if it has nothing to do with me, he takes it out on me. One day I asked why and he said it because he knows I'm easy to hurt because I'm the only one that really cares about him. And its true I really do care about him, he has been there though so much for me. And he tells me he loves me and calls me baby and everything. And now he has another new gf, and has already in a way cheated on her with me. So that is 3 different girls he has cheated on with me. I just don't understand him or anything. Someone please help me, make some sence of all of it.
hello i dont no if this is a bit late or anything but im going through a break up well have and kinda no what you feel like not that my ex has come back or said anything bout wanting me back but i want him back so much. i read this and it sounds really bad :/ and i think he knows that he can always have you back like your being vunrable. i think you should tell him, that this has to stop, say that its not fair on your girlfriend nor yourself, say your not going to keep waiting around for him. cause guys want what they cant have and saying this to him he will be shocked and maybe start thinking "i actually might loose this girl" you have to turn the tables so he knows your not aways going to be there for him, your not going to wait around for him to make up his mind. . . i hope that helped in some kind of way, oh also if use txt alot maybe if he txts you, dont reply for like two days and take like a few hours inbetween them before you reply because he will start to be curious and want to know why you have started doing this,.,. are you seeing nother guy he may think or are you begining to get over him and move on etc ... curiousity works really well cause our human brain hm im really bad at explaining but if someone said you arnt aloud to know what is in this box that they have, your brain will be thinking of all the possibilitys that could be in this box and it will wanna no what is in it so he will be the same wanting to know whats happening...... :)
Hey BREE thanks for the help. And I have tried all that kind of stuff in the past. And i had moved on, and still am trying too. Its just that he always does something to pull me back in. And there is just something about him, that I just can't fight him. I just kind of forget about everything thats going on around us and everything. I just can't think when I'm with him. And like I said he knows that I actually care about him and thats why he takes stuff out on me. He knows that I will be there for him no matter what. Thats just how I am. I have always put my friends and others happiness before mine. I don't care about myself, I just want to see everyone else happy. So in the end I'm always getting hurt. Thats just how I have been. I care about this guy and I think there is something there and so does some of my friends, and they think he wants to be with me but then again not. He just doesn't want to be like seen with me or something. I just don't understand him or anything.
With life and love there is no simple answer. But I can tell you this. If that person doesnt love you more than you love yourself then dont waste your time. You deserve love and more importantly respect. There is some one out there just waiting for you. Waiting to love and respect you. I know its painfull to hear, but this guy you speak of is not the one for you.
I have been in this same situation ( still kinda) My very first bf and i were together for 7 mths he even bought me a gold ring everything was find then he suddenly broke up with me. I found out he was cheating on me with another girl from around his area. I was devastated i even ask told him i will forgive him and we could strt over. but he did not want that. Luckly we didnot go to the same school but his mother work close o were i live. She did not like his new gf at all. I give him back his stuff because it was to painful. and sill cud not get over him. I belivie because he is my first he has a spot in my heart that i won`t let go. Time and space helped me alot to not thing of him especially when i went to study. but he always call me when he needs someone to talk about difficult situation and i as well because. and just like you he always bring me back in. I eventually asked him why he does this to me. He eventually old me for some reason he never could see me as more than just friends i eventually got he strength to tell him no when i see him even though i wanted to. He told me he know i am the right one for him in the sense i would never hurt him and i deserve much better. Generally i learnt to love him and not expect
My advise is you need to find the strength to tell him no and he should not play with your feelings anymore. You can still talk to him but limit the amount of times. Get hobbies and learn to do things to uplift yourself. This will help you discover what u want and you will learn alot about yourself..
Be-live me he would not stay with you ( Current my ex is married wih 2 children ) and still calls me. You deserve better
I have the same problem and still struggling with it now. Iv liked this guy since iv known him, and we started dating 3 years ago, we dated for about 6 months, he would always tell me about girls that liked him and we were very close, he has a hard life and iv always been there for him and he thanks me for and he is always there for me too. but i think he is a bit of a flirt and when girls come on to him he can't really say no and he dumped me for another girl but they only lasted a week and he came back to me this has happened twice and i know i shouldn't keep taking him back but he always brings me back and i can't help myself cause i like him so much. And now he has came back again but the girl that he just dated says they still are dating but he says their not and its hard for him cause she is so posesive . I really not sure what to believe but he is so convincing that I'm now just so confused. he keeps telling me to give him time and he will end it soon.