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No longer feel he loves me enough

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My husband got a tattoo done 4 years after we were together with my name and two hearts on his arm. We have been together 28 years, now years later it as faded. You can see the hearts but not really see my name. He as never got it renewed even thou I have asked him why he hasn't. He as never gave me a proper answer only that all tattoos fade and he knows its there and it's for him only. He asked where my tattoo was with his name on. I never got one done with his, I did not want to. I never asked him to get my name put on his arm whatsoever. I have two tattoos and got them renewed because the colour had faded and I told him when they fade that's what you can do. I feel he doesn't want anyone to see it now and he is happy it as faded and he does not love me enough to of got it done again. Also he once said he would one day like to re new our marriage vows when we get to 10 years but he never did. He said because of the way we have been, I assume he means all the arguing we have had over the years and me catching him watching porn and being on dating sites. It would of been nice if he had got the tattoo done or wanted to get the vows done again just to show me he still loved me but I think deep down I don't know if I could of done the vows because of all the things he as done and said to me. to me that means his love as changed so much towards me as and now I'm wondering if we should stay together anymore. I've put up with alot and him saying stuff about me like I once asked him if he had a photo in his wallet of me, he answered, unfortunately I do then said he didn't mean to say that but the damage was done. He once said have I thought of becoming a mail order bride, have I talked to the wall yet when I was on antidepressants and he said I have a little brain. I know as soon as I married him he changed and this as been the biggest mistake of my life when I got married to him. We were engaged for 4 years before we got married and it was after this he changed, he denies he ever did. I suppose I want to see how committed he is to me but he's proven he isn't and going on dating sites should of told me.

No longer feel he loves me enough

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Yep, it's your husbands actions which tell you where you stand with him and you've worked it out pretty much for yourself. Forget about the tattoo, you can't make your husband do anything about it, instead if he loved and respected you, he at least wouldn't lie to you about it. If he's proven to you that he's not committed to you, then you know what to do. If you choose to stay, then you'll just continue to be emotionally abused and miserable.

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