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Is my husband gay

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My husband is watching a lot of porn on his phone. Hs a secure browser app now. But i answered his phone last week and sw he had been watching gay/transgender/transvestite porn. We haven't been intimate since the birth of our 2nd child. I don't care if he is but i don't want to spend the rest of my life in celibacy because he wont come out.

Is my husband gay

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@SUSIEDQQ Maybe because they have 2 children together? Ultimately it’s up to you what you do OP: Either you stay with him and risk celibacy, or you decide to move on amicably, to someone who will be able to fulfil that side of a relationship.

Is my husband gay

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Your husband may or may not be gay or bisexual but your biggest concern is the lack on intimacy in your marriage. You need to have a serious conversation with him and get him to open up to you about why he isn't intimate with you and where he's heading with his actions. There's a good chance he won't have all the answers that you need, because he might know what they are himself or understand what's going on and be absolutely confused by his own actions, but only he can tell you. Without judging him, you need to encourage him to talk about the issue and his actions and the effect it's having on you and your marriage together.

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