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Being mugged off?

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So, been together year or so... few things cropping up that have my back up or am I being over sensitive? She’s been messaging a guy she dated short term saying she was keen on him but didn’t work out etc Single guy in Her work asked her to go to his for drinks post lock down, she’s agreed but said nothing for me to worry about as they’re just mates. And she’s never off her bloody phone!! Can’t make mind up being played, over sensitive or she’s trying to get a reaction.... thoughts please.

Being mugged off?

AMME profile image
She's playing you and she likes the reaction she gets from you. If she was properly playing away she wouldn't be telling you about it she would hide it more. She wants to cheat on you and will when she gets the chance but for now she likes how it's driving you crazy. You are playing her game

Being mugged off?

Default profile image
Thanks.... mind made up...

Being mugged off?

SOUTINE profile image
I don't think she does want to cheat, if that was the case she wouldn't be so open. She may want to see if you are the jealous type, or may need the reassurance of you being jealous. Only you can judge which. If it's the second, let her know you feel jealousy, but don't ask her not to go out or to keep in touch with people as that would come across as controlling. As for the phone,lots of people are never off their phone. You probably wouldn't be worrying about it if it wasn't for the other stuff. If it bothers you too much, try to find some activity to do together that keeps her attention and makes checking the phone difficult.

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