Partner with cyclothymia
RYANJAMES - Jun 6 2020 at 14:34
I've been in a relationship with my partner for more than 4 months now, and it has been beyond amazing and has gone so much better than I could have ever imagined considering this is my first real relationship. During lockdown we lived together for many weeks and since leaving to live at home, he has been having an episode due to his cyclothymia. I've known he had the condition for a long time but I hadnt really witnessed it until now. We speak everyday and I call him when he spirals emotionally to try to calm/comfort him. I always try to calm him and get him to breath deeply when he is crying and i tell him it will be okay with time. I never get angry or impatient with him and I've heard that just listening to people is often better than trying to bombard them with advice. Today he told me that he says I don't help him enough and he can't trust me to support him when he needs me. I have researched the condition on google but i don't find very good information on how to help him, usually it just tells me about symptoms. It's so painful to see him like this and I know i will never fully comprehend how he is feeling, and I do feel I do my best to try to help as much as possible despite living far away. I know i can personally be better but i often don't know the right and wrong things to say or do to try to help. If anyone has any advice or has the condition or has a loved one with the same situation, any advice on how i can support him better and be more specific in helping him through would be much appreciated.
My advice to you would be to ask him what he needs from you that could help him the most. Trying asking him when he is not in a fragile sense to see if he can guide you. He probably knows best what is needed.