New to long distance relationship big age gap help
BLUEBELLS - Jun 18 2020 at 13:43
I'm 43 and my new boyfriend is 28. I'm really looking for help and none judgemental advice.
I've never been in a long distance relationship before nor have I ever dated anyone younger than myself. I'm in scary territory.
What are the chances of us making this work. Three months in and we are in love already. We can't meet in person yet though. I'm also getting anxiety when he 'likes' girls photos on social media. This sort of thing didn't bother me before in previous relationships I've had.
Any advice gratefully received.
LDRs are difficult to maintain even for those who have been married for years. Obviously there is no physical contact and so constant communication is the only way. Regardless, your BF needs to help you to understand why he even bothers to look to at other girl's photos on social platforms, let alone 'like' them because his actions are speaking. If he was in love with you, as you state, he wouldn't have the need to interact with other woman. Your age doesn't get a look in here, rather it's all about your BF's character and whether you can trust him while being apart in a 3 month old relationship.